
I’m Renata, an art director from Dallas who currently lives in Los Angeles— but is most likely traveling for a concert.

Growing up I’ve always had some form of a creative outlet, whether it be drawing, photography, figure skating, writing, or anything that filled my mind and heart with a feeling of fulfillment. This feeling has taken many shapes throughout my life but has nestled its way into my heart in its purest form when I consume music.

Everything changed when I attended my first concert in 2013 (yes, it was One Direction, and no, Miley Cyrus in 2009 doesn’t count because I can only remember the flying motorcycle). That day I reached a level of euphoria and community that I can, still to this day, find only at shows. Over the years, I realized that visual art lives in all of the music I consume. It exists in music videos, merchandise, set design, artist branding, album art, and an artist’s general image– and I want to be the one creating it.

At UT Austin, I majored in Advertising where I focused on developing my design skills through my program’s creative portfolio sequence and grew into the title I wear proudly: Art Director.

Today, I find myself calling Los Angeles home after I decided to head west and dive headfirst into the world of music through an Art Director’s lens.