Brand: Fright Fest, a Six Flags event, is all about scary, Halloween-themed fun in the safety of a well-established amusement park franchise.

Idea: People associate Six Flags with being mainly for children which can lead Fright Fest to be seen as little kid friendly. By avoiding Halloween cliches, like bedsheet ghosts, and instead incorporating common fears and terrors into unique out-of-home installations we can reinstate the feeling of horror that Fright Fest was intended to have.

Tagline: When the sun sets the terror begins

AD + CW: Renata Garcia & Jaycee Jamison


This first installation is located in public restrooms where images of cockroaches are printed on vinyl sticker and placed in a trail leading into the toilet bowl itself. The first part of the tagline is outside of the bowl where the initial point of communication with our target happens after the scare of the realistic critters upon first glance. Once we pull in their attention they can follow the trail into the bowl where vinyl letters complete the tagline and connect it to Fright Fest.

This second installation is also located inside of a public restroom, inside of Six Flag parks prior to Fright Fest starting for the season. One of the sinks will be converted into a fountain that cycles through fake blood that is continuously pouring out of the faucet. Looking directly at the sink upon first glance one will see bloody hand prints as well as the first half of our tagline in vinyl sticker.

Once one approaches the sink, the second half of our tagline connecting the advertisement to Fright Fest is seen lining the inside of the bowl in vinyl lettering.

Our third and final installation would be the creation of a pothole illusion on a retail heavy street with a lot of pedestrian traffic. As people get closer to the “hole” motion sensors trigger lights which make a pair of deep yellow eyes to start to glow as well as the rest of our tagline connecting this creature installation to Fright Fest.


Dutch Bros

