Brand: Nerds candy as a brand brings an emphasis to the unique shapes and sizes of the tiny candy pieces and want people to embrace their unique personalities and physical image, much like the indiviauality of each Nerd candy.

Idea: We are redesigning our iconic Nerds candy box to bring you Limited Edition Proud to be Nerdy boxes. These boxes show off our collaboration with stereotypical “geeky” franchises, like Harry Potter, Star Wars and anime to show off that you are truly a Nerd. QR codes will be on the back of the boxes to quizzes about that specific topic, to prove your Nerd status.

Tagline: Let your Nerd be heard.

AD + CW: Renata Garcia & Kayla Thompson

Nerd Box Redesigns

These are our redesigns of the classic Nerds candy box to feature our collaboration with popular franchises that are stereotypically considered “geeky”

A QR code will be located on the back of each box to link the consumer to a unique quiz about the specific franchise on the box. Their result can be shared to their friends on social media to make sure their nerd is being heard!

QR Quiz on Box

TV Spots


Fright Fest

